Perfectify, a Phoenix magazine designed for woman, successfully launches their new year edition focusing on diet, exercise, and other new year resolutions. Kristi Larson , the editor of the fast growing magazine, was thrilled to feature my article about celiac disease and a full feature of my cookbook Gluten-Free and Dairy-Free for the Frugal and Lazy Cook.
Along with tips to managing stress and secrets to flawless skin gracing the glossy pages of the magazine, the article "Celiac 101" features basic facts of celiac disease, an autoimmune disease that effects 1 out 133 Americans and more are diagnosed annually.
With celiac on the rise, local magazines, like Perfectify, recognize the issues faced by those with celiac. Most people suffer extreme, multiple stomach issues in silence, not realizing their symptoms are caused by celiac until it manifests into an underlying disorder, such as thyroid disease, osteoporosis, or diabetes.
Celiac should not be ignored. People need education and support, one article at a time, and Celiac 101 will reach local readers to help them start the new year with a solution to their old problem.
Pick up the current copy of Perfectify at the local Scottsdale Athletic Club or most Valley-wide CVS or AJ's stores, or read the article in full on Perfectify's online version of the January/February edition.
Subscribe to my articles on the Examiner.com for up-to-date and local information on the gluten-free diet.
Visit http://www.perfectify.com/JanMag.php
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