Ahh. Nothing screams happieness more than walking in the door of your home to feel the presence of baking.
Yesterday I had my father-in-law, his wife and son for an afternoon visit. Although I have been married for nearly three years, I still like to impress the in-laws with my Betty Crocker persona.
Well, I didn't have time to go all-out Betty Crocker. So I cheated. I grabbed one of my GF cookie mixes, Authentic Foods, and began whipping up their Chocolate Chunk Cookie Mix.
I knew it would be risky because I have never used any Authentic Foods products. But hey, I didn't have time to play it safe. They were arriving in less than half an hour.
With speed and precision, I mixed the ingredients needed, plus adding my own twist, of course. I substituted 4 tablespoons of the oil with same amount of applesauce, then added two tablespoons of oil.
Again. Another risk.
But I live dangerously.
I drop about a tablespoon's worth of dough on the sheet, purposely making them small. You see, my husband, Ted, is known for inhaling dozens of cookies in one setting, so I figured if I make them small, he will psychologically think he is getting more. Smart, I know. Deceptive, you bet.
I baked my first batch of dozen cookies in a small toaster oven instead of the oven. I live in Phoenix where it is 112 today. I have no interest adding heat to injury.
While I waited, I steal a bite from the cookie dough. I know there is some medical study that warns about licking the bowl of raw cookie dough, but I didn't care. I had to taste the batter first. I am like the king's cup bearer. Taste the food first, then serve it, even if sickness or death is afflicted upon the cup bearer.
Ok. So I am exaggerating. I was just hungry.
After 8 minutes, the timer announced the cookies were done. Suddenly my husband appeared. Together we sampled the cookies.
Wow! It was not only good, but absolutely sinful. Of course I stopped at my first sample, but Ted assured additional samples were required.
There were some leftover by the time the in-laws arrived. Unfortunately they were stuffed from just enjoying lunch at an Italian restaurant, but after watching my husband inhale a few more, they took one.
Their response? Positive. Like me there were surprised. Something about a gluten-free label on cookies is translated as dull, crumbly, disgusting. But Authentic Foods was a true delight. I look forward to baking with their other products.
Now I better go downstairs to make sure Ted left me at least a crumb.
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